Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

This period is sure to bring a surge of energy and enthusiasm for you, Aries. With the Sun in your sign, you are feeling more assertive and confident than ever. It's time to take charge of your life and pursue your goals with unwavering determination. However, remember to balance your assertiveness with diplomacy to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Your ruling planet, Mars, is enhancing your physical vitality and drive during this time. You may find yourself drawn to physical activities and challenges that allow you to channel this energy constructively. Just make sure to steer clear of impulsiveness and recklessness, as Mars can sometimes fuel impatience and aggression.

With Mercury also in your sign, your mental faculties are sharp, and communication comes more naturally to you. Use this to your advantage in negotiations or expressing yourself more effectively.

Overall, this is a period of self-discovery and forward momentum for you, Aries. Embrace opportunities for personal growth and assert your independence with confidence while remaining mindful of how your actions impact those around you.

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